Adventures in Interlaken, continued

My new friends Susy and Michael left for Italy today and I am awaiting my white water rafting trip this afternoon before setting off for Berlin on the night train tomorrow night.  Interlaken has been simply ah-mazing.  Gorgeous.  A blast.

Top left: just a friendly game of giant chess where I obsessed over the "ponies"
Top right: Susy and I walked to the eastern lake (Interlaken = between lakes) and marvelled at the gorgeous colors of the water and immensity of the mountains...but were not brave enough to get into the frigid waters
Bottom left and middle: The three of us went on a hike to Schilthorn Mountain and stopped to see some waterfalls along the way
Bottom right: one of the magnificent views over one of the many lakes on the train ride into Interlaken

So Jungfrau is home to the highest train station in Europe and is referred to as "the top of Europe," thus costing a heap to visit.  Lucky for me, Susy is a pro at finding awesome things to do and found us an alternative: Schilthorn is not only in the same range and provides the same views, but its name also provided us with amusement and it was extremely proud of its James Bond museum.  Apparently On Her Majesty's Secret Service was filmed there in the 1960s.

Top left: me on the red telephone in the museum, listening to a message from M, and one of the many views from the mountain top
Top middle: the steepest part of our gondola ride to the top, and the only part that made me anxious
Top right: Mountains!
Middle left: My helmet read "Gaga" on my canyoning trip, thus I referred to as Lady Gaga
Bottom left: A view of the mountains from near my hostel
Bottom middle: The perfect spot to start a canyoning trip
Bottom right: Top of Europe!!! (only not really at all)

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