Wandering around Zagreb, Croatia

I set out today with almost no agenda and was greeted with a few mini adventures in the northern part of Zagreb.

First off, I ran into a Croatian Renaissance Fair in the middle of the town square.  I still prefer the one that comes to Cincinnati, but I did walk away with a handmade comb created from the horns of the Istria bull and some fresh raspberries.

Speaking of raspberries: I walked through the farmers market to a nearby cathedral to finish them in the shade of a sapling.  The cool thing about this particular cathedral is that it is in the middle of restoration due to the disrepair it fell into during Communist reign.  Apparently because the Communists disrespected the Catholic faith and because of limited funding, over just a couple decades all of the intricate carvings completely eroded away (as you can see in the picture in the center).  I couldn't go inside because I was wearing a tank top today (you have to cover your shoulders to enter a lot of the churches and historical buildings in Europe.)

After some more wandering I climbed this enormous hill (no, that's not just the angle of the camera, it really was that steep.  Europe is not handicap friendly.) to the Museum of Broken Relationships.  Depressing museum, that was.  On my way there I got accidentally roped into being filmed for a Korean new broadcast.  Yep, that happened.  Apparently every day at noon they fire a cannon at the Lotrščak Tower and I happened by there at 1150 and thought it would be a great place to take a shot of the skyline, and it is, obviously.  This woman approached me and started asking me questions

Her: Do you know what it is?
Me: Huh?
Her: Are you a tourist?
Me: Yesssssss
Her: You know the cannon?
Me: What? 
Her: You know what is going to happen?
Me: Uh, no?
Her:  Uhhhh, cannon *points* BOOM! Yeah?
Me: Oooooooh, the cannon is going to go off!
Her:  Yes! Yes!  You stay with me?  Ten minutes?  You stay?
Me:  Sure...….

I wanted to see it anyway so I figured why not hang out with the lady....then it dawned on me that the DSLR in my face was actually filming, not getting ready to take a picture.  She explained they were filming about all the touristy things in Croatia. (Apparently it is a big hit with Koreans, according to the hostel workers when I told this story.)

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