Amsterdam: beautiful, fun, and delicious

Believe it or not, these are actually all pictures in the Red Light district.  Which is where I stayed.  Accidentally.  But it felt super safe and I was close to all sorts of great restaurants (because, hello, the stoners need gelato and waffles (they totally ripped off our "birthday cakes" at CU, btw), and funny stores (the "Condomerie"?????).  

My hostel (which was Christian hostel, btw) was actually in the same alley as the transexual window girls.  Which made for an interesting walk to get cheese.  Because the Dutch excel at making delicious cheese.  OMG THE CHEESE!!!

Also the ice cream.  
Amsterdam actually has a Magnum store.  That's right.  Not only do European McDonalds make Magnum flavored McFlurries (which are beyond fantastic), but they have Magnum stores over here.  And I happened to find it on the day they were celebrating dipping their like two millionth ice cream bar or something, so it was half off and i got a certificate and got to walk down a red carpet.
It was kind of weird.
But delicious!
 First they would ask if you wanted milk chocolate, dark chocolate or white chocolate coating.  I chose dark.  I am my mother's daughter.
Then you choose from five zillion different crushed up toppings including things like mochi, crushed up cookies, nuts, and even lavender and rose petals.  I chose Strawberry Sugar, chocolate macaroons, and some sort of cushy looking white stuff.

Amsterdam was beautiful, fun and delicious.  I can't wait to go back there before I fly home in a little more than a month!

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