My Fifth Continent, Ya'll!

South America, Africa, North America, 
Australia and Europe!

Our bed and breakfast in Budapest
Thursday: We made it to Budapest without any significant snafus, just one rude Dutch border crossing agent who was overly suspicious of my trip to Croatia and didn't seem to believe that I knew the difference between Schengen countries and non-Schengen countries. does turn out that I've been pronouncing Schengen wrong this whole time...
Once in Budapest, however, Sar and I spent over an hour walking around just three streets looking for the place we were supposed to stay.  Would have helped had the guy given us his house number and not just the street name and some vague directions involving the Burger King on the corner.  All the frustration led to us having no energy to find a place to eat in the morning and just settling for McDonalds (I know, I am ashamed of myself, even though it was different from any other donut I have ever had and it was peach juice instead of orange)

Friday: 4 hours on a train meant Sar tolerating me taking picture after picture of the passing Hungarian landscape and dancing in my seat every time the border agents stamped my passport.

We finally arrived in Tinca right as the kids were leaving for the day.  They're currently being watched at Rachel's house/the lodge instead of the Isaiah Center because there was recently a fire from poor electrical work at the Isaiah Center.  (The electrician said it was done so poorly that they would have been better off if they had just left it the way the communists had it in 1950 and that they're lucky the building is still standing.)  Hopefully the rewiring will be done some time in the next week.

Upper left: Sar shows off our new digs
Upper right: my nook for the next three weeks
Bottom left: Samu with his mandolin
Bottom right: Sar and Iza goofing off
Saturday:  Spent the day hanging out with Rachel and Dave and Iza (EE-za) and Samuel (SAH-mool, Samu for short).  Rachel fell in love with Isa when Rachel first came here from the States and Isa was just a baby.  Rachel had to live here in Romania for several years before she was qualified to adopt Isa, and in the meantime set up the Isaiah Center and all it's affiliated ministries.  
Dave came here from England a few years ago and it's great to have someone constantly offering me tea, lol.  Have yet to get around to asking if he likes Doctor Who.  I'm afraid if he does we will immediately drive everyone else insane and if he doesn't my precious view of the UK's obsession will shatter.  He usually lives in the Isaiah Center but is staying at Rachel's while the wiring is being redone.
Samu and his brother Abel (ah-BELL) currently live with Rachel and Iza because their grandparents think they are cursed.  It's a little confusing to understand why they think the boys are cursed (possibly something to do with the boy's skin being darker than the grandparents?) and because of that they treat the boys badly, so it's safer if they live here.

Sunday: 3 hour long church services are trying enough when you speak their language...
Sar and I went to the mall to pick up a birthday present for Iza, who turns ten this week!  She wanted gift cards to Toys R Us and Build a Bear, neither of which do they have here, so we settled on a bunch of hair clips since she loves to play with our hair.  It was so weird to be told that if she hadn't been adopted by Rachel she would most likely be married off to one of the village boys this year.  *shudders*  Build a Bear is a much better option!

Monday: Ze kids, ze kids!  I'm bracing myself for the inevitability that we will contract lice at some point in the next three weeks.  But they're so cute!

Top Left: Me and baby Mihaela (Romanian for Michelle)
Top middle: Sar with Alex and the Nemo fish I bought him for Christmas
Top Right: A row of the better built homes in the Roma village
Bottom left: Maria does my hair

Don't forget to follow my Twitter for frequent random pictures of food and crazy seatbelts.  Also my Flickr photostream is up and running if you want to see more than what I post here.  You can find the link on the right with the links to Facebook and Pinterest.

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