A train from Paris to Basel
A second train from Basel to Zurich.
Another train from Zurich to Buchs.
A bus from Buchs to Vaduz-Schaan.
And then a half mile walk to my hostel.
That was the easiest route to take to get into Liechtenstein.
I wanted a stamp in my passport.
And I got it: Bottom left. 4 swiss francs.
I also enjoyed the gorgeous scenery and some delicious treats at an Italian restaurant run by a former Italian (Liechtenstein is not far from the border of Italy).
Oh, and there were often farm animals in the backyards of people living in the capital city. See the llama and donkey above. Someone near the town center actually had a cow, but I didn't get a picture because I was on a mission to fill my starving belly at the time.
Behold, my most expensive hostel. When you are the only hostel in an entire country you can charge whatever you want. At least the views were fabulous.
A train from a station so tiny it would get only four trains stopping at it every day, into Feldkirch.
Another train to Innsbruck.
And finally a train to Munich...
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