Neuschwanstein Castle

Neuschwanstein is supposedly where Walt Disney got the inspiration for Sleeping Beauty's castle at Disneyland.  More exciting -- to me at least -- is that it is the castle is where Chitty Chitty Bang Bang landed.  You know, when they get into the castle designed as wind up dolls?  No?  Ok, here, look at my pretty pictures on the hike to the castle.

Even more exciting is that I got to fly over the castle like Chitty myself!!  Tandem Paragliding!!!!  Check it out!


Disclaimer: just before this clip, he asked me if I like roller coasters.  So this isn't typical of paragliding.  Most of the event was just floating.  

I felt like a bird.  It was so awesome!

Because I had gone paragliding, I got back to the group late and had to eat my lunch in ten minutes.  We had preordered what we wanted to eat so I had a beer waiting for me and they weren't going to give it to me because they didn't think I could finish it in ten minutes. 
Well, I did.

Apparently voted "World's Best Wheat Beer."
It was pretty good, given my beer experience thus far.

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